
General Information

  • All about Schipperke - Information including a pedigree database with lots of non-american dogs, pictures, club listings, and links to worldwide information.
  • Schipperke Pedigree Database - Extensive database of pedigrees with search, "What If?" trial breedings, and pictures.
  • Schipperke Station - Comprehensive site with standard, pictures, working and showing, health, clubs, and rescue.
  • Schipperke Web Ring Listing - Index page to sites included in the ring. Accepts submissions.


  • Cascade Schipperke Club - Show results, history of the breed, photographs, and a calendar of events for the club. Washington.
  • Central Rockies Schipperke Club - Information about the breed, puppy and adult pictures, club activities, rescue contacts, and membership information.
  • Colonial Schipperke Club - Serving Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, West Virginia, and Eastern Pennsylvania. Frequently asked questions, photograph album, events calendar, and a rescue contact.
  • Illiana Schipperke Club - Descriptions of events and general information about the Illiana Schipperke Club. Chicago area.
  • Lone Star Schipperke Club - Breed standard, club news, and information on rescued dogs available for adoption. Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas.
  • Schipperke Club of America - List of officers, directors, and committee appointees, health study, national specialty information, ethics code, membership application, rescue volunteer questionnaire, and links to rescues and regional clubs.
  • Schipperke Club of Canada - Breed history and description, their code of ethics, list of breeders, show results, and contact information for rescue volunteers.
  • Schipperke Club of Central Arizona - Calendar of events, list of officers, and club photographs.
  • Schipperke Club of Central Florida - Breed history and membership information.
  • The Schipperke Club of the United Kingdom - Membership application, rules and code of ethics, list of current breeders, show information, current judging lists, and rescue information.
Rescues And Shelters


  • Anlaufstelle Kennels - Breeding calendar, kennel history, and a photograph gallery. Ponder, Texas.
  • Blumoon - Kennel history, breed history, and photographs. Olympia, Washington.
  • Bolteroy - Pictures of their dogs, litter announcements, and breed information. Talala, Oklahoma.
  • Cessybo - Photographs and pedigrees of dogs, brags, and links to other breeders. Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada.
  • Dawn to Dusk - Photograph album and history of the kennel. Canadice, New York.
  • Ebonorth - Brief history and description of the breed, a photograph gallery and the breed standard. Pancake Bay, Ontario, Canada.
  • Ellyllon and Wyndsong - Raising dogs for show and companionship. Kennel history, photograph album, and resource links. Fredericksburg, Virginia.
  • Gunderson Kennel - Breeding chocolate schipperkes. Pictures of their dogs and information on the rare coloring. Missouri.
  • Helbender - Pedigrees, pictures, breed standard, and articles. Hussar, Alberta, Canada.
  • K-Lee - Breeding for conformation, obedience, and agility. Pictures of dogs, news, and brags. Arpin, Wisconsin.
  • Majekin - Pictures of their dogs, memorials for their foundation dogs, and contact information. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
  • Mentha - Pictures, pedigrees, and news.
  • River Glenn Kennels - Photograph gallery, news, and litter announcements. Caldwell, Idaho.
  • Safari - Pictures of their dogs, what to feed this breed, recipes, litter announcements, and links. Abilene, Texas.
  • Shalako - News, breed standards for various countries, message board, photographs, and show results. Toney, Alabama.
  • Yippy Skippy - Pictures of their dogs and litter announcements. Coos Bay, Oregon. © 2002 - 2012